


Acceleration By Clive Scarff

I want to talk about acceleration ?not just its importance in the golf swing, but its definition.

Acceleration is one of many words in the English language that is used so often and in such a particular way that it almost takes on new meaning. I am fairly confident in saying that, in general interpretation,Hogan Progetto Donna Bianco Grano, we hear acceleration and we think ast? It kind of makes sense. However the true meaning of acceleration is:

1. Increase in the rate or speed of something; 2. The rate of change of velocity per unit of time.

Clubhead speed is important in golf, but acceleration is more important. All clubheads that are going ninety miles per hour at impact are not the same. A clubhead that is accelerating (say from 80 mph to 90 mph) is going to hit a golf ball far more effectively than a clubhead that is decelerating (say from 100 mph to 90 mph). The accelerating clubhead is able to keep rotating back to square, whereas a decelerating clubhead is more likely to remain open. An accelerating clubhead will, for want of a better word, ug?its path to the ball, remain on track; whereas a decelerating clubhead will veer wider, effectively changing the path to the ball and is far more likely to bottom out behind the ball. This last point will explain why some golfers who know to hit down at the ball,Hogan nouvelle beige interactive femmes 2012, and are trying to hit down at the ball, still hit behind the ball. The clubhead was decelerating at impact.

Now, why would a golfer decelerate during their golf swing,Hogan Interactive Donna 2012 Rosa Giallo, you may ask? Well there are several reasons, not the least of which is the sage old (and not sufficiently explained) advice to slow your swing down. That advice, properly dispensed, should read, wing at a lower rate of increasing speed, please?rather than low down, you look like youe trying to kill the ball!? I will wager you have heard the latter expression many a time on the golf course, practice range, or even the teaching tee.

Some golfers decelerate because they really are swinging too fast, sense they are out of control, and try to make last second adjustments to salvage the shot. This scenario happens a lot actually. And, it happens a lot on the golf course, as opposed to the driving range, where we fear the ramifications of an error more. This too will explain why so many golfers claim (rightfully) they were hitting it beautifully at the range, and horrendously on the golf course. The lack of fear on the range led to uninterrupted acceleration on every shot. The increase in fear (of an error) on the golf course leads to more caution and thus deceleration.

Another very common mistake that leads, unwittingly,Hogan Progetto Donna Rosso, to deceleration is too big a backswing. The subconscious knows the backswing is too big, and tries to compensate by slowing down on the downswing. This is why so many players (I advocate this a lot) are switching to much shorter backswings. The shorter backswing eliminates thoughts of deceleration; in fact, quite the opposite. If you are thinking your backswing might be a touch on the short side,Hogan Grigio Nero Uomo Interactive, you are going to accelerate on the downswing to make up for it, and in this case that would be an appropriate ?read: desirable ?compensation.

Clive Scarff Golf Writer/Instructor


